This is an era of sustainable fashion. In this era, all of us have an open choice to embrace ethical fashion, lest it is too late to lead a better life and longevity. Making environmentally friendly products starts with the influence of suppliers and ends with the influence of retail customers. As a supplier to society,

HS Clothing ensures that all channels are taken care of so as not to affect any god particles. Therefore, after accepting the guidelines, we begin to follow the laws of sustainable development. Due to the nature of dyed fibers, our products have been sustainable since their debut. To solve the world’s water shortage problem, our products consume less water and help us support the ecosystem in a precise way. Fiber-dyed products require up to 15 liters/kg of limited water to finish the fabric, while ordinary dyed fabrics require 35 liters/kg of water. Other garments made from our products require limited laundering.

The softness of the water helps us limit energy consumption. In addition to the above, we have added new features such as recycling sustainable BCI / Viscose polyester/cotton fibers into our PFC-free liner fabrics.


Polyester is a mixture of man-made fibers made from petrochemical products called polymerization. The production of polyester fabric involves a large number of toxic chemicals, raw materials, and by-products, which can pollute water and air and cause health problems.

Plastic is a non-biodegradable product and may not dissolve for 20 to 200 years, so we can choose to use used PET bottles so that we can do something for the ecosystem. Recycled polyester is roughly the same as virgin polyester in terms of quality, but compared with virgin polyester, the energy required for production is reduced by 59%. In addition, compared with virgin polyester, PET consumes less energy, thus reducing landfills and reducing soil, air, and water pollution. The use of large amounts of recycled polyester fibers will help avoid dependence on crude oil.

The method of turning PET into recycled polyester uses 33-35 percent less energy than the process of producing virgin polyester.


The usage of a virgin, traditional cotton is damaging to the environment, employees, and communities, according to HS Clothing. Traditional cotton requires a lot of water as well as toxic pesticides and chemicals, all of which pose a threat to the environment in many ways.

Cotton is a natural renewable fabric that has many advantages but also some disadvantages. According to WWF research, producing one kilo of cotton lint – enough to make one pair of jeans – necessitates an average of 8,500 gallons of water. It is a renewable resource, but it is laden with complications, such as the utilization of chemical compounds and water-intensive procedures.

Cotton is a highly important commodity all around the world. Many farmers in developing countries, on the other hand, get minimal prices for their products or find it impossible to compete with industrialized countries.

If this fabric is to be used, organic cotton produced in collaboration with the Better Cotton Initiative is the best ethical and sustainable alternative. Organic cotton is beneficial for the environment, employees, and the community as a whole. It may have a larger price tag for consumers, but if buyers understand the underlying consequences of traditional Cotton, the higher nominal price isn’t a concern. With a little upcharge, we are converting all of our Cotton Blended grades to Sustainable.


Our textiles are “WATER POSITIVE,” which sets us apart from other providers.

All of the textiles we provide are made with Dope Dyed Fibre Technology. Because there is no dyeing of cloth, water is used in production at a 70 percent lower rate. The minimal quantity of water consumed is recycled continuously, and 95 percent of it is re-used using our RO (Reverse Osmosis) facilities.

In comparison to any other piece of colored cloth in the world, our fabric uses far less water.


HS Clothing has invested in a piece of planned machinery set up wherein we use variable compressors and the latest technology of Air Jet Looms, for the usage of less energy and increased efficiency. By using variable compressors and Air Jet Looms, we are consuming 15% less power as compared to conventional compressors and looms.


Taking into consideration all of HS Clothing’s environmental activities, we are happy to report that we are a carbon positive firm with the lowest carbon footprints throughout our production process. For all of our specialty finished fabrics, we use CO chemistry.